Wednesday 3 October 2007

Diego - Motivation

1 What motivates me to get an A at English?

First of all, I want to achieve my best in English so that when I apply to a university they are aware of my knowledge and abilities in English. Also if i get a good grade my father will let me do more things and give me more money to go shopping!

2 What motivates me outside of school?

Fashion, shopping, going out with my friends, music, shoe, cars, family and friends.

3 What do I want to learn this year?

I want to learn how to achieve an A in my IGCSE English exam by understanding how to improve and use various techniques in writing.

4 How will this help me in all of my studies?

This course will help me to understand concepts in written English, gaining confidence in my opinions as a writer. Also, I will be able to demostrate my knowledge and intelligence correctly in writing. Overall, I also aim to improve my grades in all written subjects that I study in English. Additionally by gaining better grades, I will be motivated to work harder and study more effectively and basically be a super cool and successful student!

I am a rock star baby! Super hot baby!

1 comment:

We are going to achieve the best! said...

Excellent work Diego! I hope you achive an excellent result!

Well done Rock Star!

Miss T x